Privacy Policy



I acknowledge that I have inspected the vehicle and found it to be in perfect condition, and I undertake not to tamper with either the seals or the odometer, failing which I shall pay ANADRIVE rent car the corresponding amount for 1000km per day.


  • 1. I also undertake to return the vehicle, with all its tyres, tools, accessories and equipment, to the ANADRIVE rent car station in the city where the vehicle was rented, or at the date and place specified for the return, or at an earlier date upon request, unless expressly authorized by ANADRIVE rent car, as failure to return the vehicle on the due date may be considered as theft and may expose me to legal proceedings.
  • 2. The five tyres are in good condition at the time of delivery, and normal wear and tear is accepted, but in case of abnormal wear and tear or damage to any of them, I undertake to replace it immediately with a tyre of the same brand and size.
  • 3. At the end of the rental period, I will return all documents necessary for the operation of the vehicle, failing which, as these documents are essential for the rental, I undertake to pay ANADRIVE rent car for the days of delay until the said documents are returned.


I acknowledge that the vehicle is in good working order and in good condition, and I am responsible for paying for the fuel consumed during the rental period. Repairs resulting from abnormal breakdown or negligence on my part (checking of water, oil, gearbox levels) will be at my expense. Repairs resulting from normal breakdown will be the responsibility of ANADRIVE rent car, and will be the subject of a detailed invoice accompanied by the defective parts replaced. Under no circumstances may I claim any compensation for delay, either for the return of the vehicle or for the cancellation of the rental, or as a result of repairs necessitated by normal wear and tear during the rental period.



The rental amount must be paid in advance, and a deposit is required: it cannot be used for an extension without the prior agreement of ANADRIVE rent car. In the event that an extension is granted, I undertake to send the additional rental amount 48 hours before the expiration of the current rental period, and I agree not to object to payment by the deposit or guarantee provided, provided that this deposit covers:
  • – Unjustified damages.
  • – Loss of documents.
  • – Towing or other fees, depending on the case, provided that ANADRIVE rent car provides the necessary supporting documents.



All fines, expenses and taxes resulting from any infringement of the legislation relating to traffic, parking or other matters during the term of this contract shall be borne by me.



I undertake that the vehicle will not be used:
  • 1. For the paid transportation of passengers, whether a remuneration has been expressly or implicitly fixed.
  • 2. For the transportation of contraband goods resulting in the immobilization or seizure of the vehicle by the authorities, under penalty of paying the price of the vehicle according to the argus of the year plus a compensation of 20,000.00 DHS as well as all expenses that ANADRIVE rent car will incur in case of legal proceedings.
  • 3. To propel or tow any vehicle or trailer.
  • 4. In the context of motor sports competitions.
  • 5. By any person under the influence of spirits or narcotics.
  • 6. In addition, the vehicle may only be driven by the persons designated in this contract, subject to prior authorization from ANADRIVE rent car, and provided that said persons are at least 21 years old and hold a valid driver’s license for at least one year.



I acknowledge having read the general conditions of ANADRIVE rent car insurance policy and I undertake to:
  • 1. Pay ANADRIVE rent car the expenses incurred to repair the damages caused by collision or other damages caused to the vehicle under my responsibility, which will be
    1. a. Limited to the maximum amount indicated in the current rate on the brochures.
    2. b. Waived if I agree to pay in advance the fee provided in case of waiver by ANADRIVE rent car of said damages; acceptance recorded by my initials in the box provided for this purpose on this contract and bearing the expression “I accept >>.”
In addition, I request to be guaranteed by the individual insurance policy for persons transported accepted by ANADRIVE rent car, I subscribe to this policy by initialling in the box provided for this purpose on this contract, I would benefit from the guarantee according to the provisions mentioned in the ANADRIVE rent car brochures according to the current rate. Not included in this guarantee are the radio, telephone, my accessories, abnormal wear and tear of the tires, damage caused to the organs located below the vehicle, all clothing or objects inside the car’s trunk, or on the roof rack for which the customer remains their own insurer. The customer can release their participation in the costs by means of additional insurance, in the event of an accident, these additional insurance does not include either the repatriation of the car or immobilization costs estimated at 50% of the rental price per day (maximum 30 days).


ANADRIVE rent car cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages caused to any goods and valuables transported or left in or on the vehicle during the duration of this contract or after the return of the ANADRIVE rent car vehicle. Therefore, I release ANADRIVE rent car from any responsibility for any actions, fees, claims, and damages resulting from such losses or damages.



By signing this contract, I agree to the said policy, and I undertake to observe the clauses and conditions, and furthermore, under penalty of losing the benefit of the insurance, I undertake to take all necessary measures to protect the interests of ANADRIVE rent car and its insurance company in the event of an accident during the duration of this contract, and in particular:
  • 1. To obtain in writing the names and addresses of the persons involved and witnesses.
  • 2. Not to discuss my responsibility or fault with the parties involved, nor to negotiate or settle with third parties.
  • 3. Not to abandon the vehicle without taking care to ensure its safeguard and security.
  • 4. To provide a detailed report by phone to the ANADRIVE rent car agency.
  • 5. To immediately notify the police if the fault of a third party must be established or if there are any injuries.
  • 6. To inform ANADRIVE rent car of the location, date, and time of the accident.
  • 7. To declare in writing (mutual agreement report) the damage within two days following the accident, (24 hours for theft) with supporting evidence from the police or gendarmerie, noting the names and addresses of the parties involved and witnesses.
  • 8. To pay ANADRIVE rent car in the event of a responsible accident a deductible of:
A 10,000.00 MAD B 12,000.00 MAD C 14,000.00 MAD
D/E 17,000.00 MAD F 19,000.00 MAD Aff 24,000.00 MAD
Safari 23,000.00 MAD Prestige 35,000.00 MAD Limousine 50,000.00 MAD
The franchise buyback insurance takes full effect after the establishment of a report in case of an accident.


  • 1. I shall not, under any circumstances, assign, sell, mortgage or pledge the vehicle under this contract, its equipment, or deal with it in a manner prejudicial to ANADRIVE rent car.
  • 2. Any modifications to the clauses and conditions of this contract, if not recorded in writing, shall be null and void.
  • 3. This rental contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force.
  • For any dispute relating to the interpretation and performance of this contract, the parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the registered office of ANADRIVE rent car.